Black desert add ons
Black desert add ons

Im currently using the typical +dmg for pvp or % evasion accuracy or burning. If any experienced kunoichi player could give me a hint.

  • What would be the most optimal skill add on for :Pre Awakening.
  • for target Ground Smash Movement Speed +7% for 10 sec. The Naru Accessory Set is very nice, even at base stats. The Striker has a variety of skills that can strengthen his chain combos.
  • Guardian Skill Addons (Pre-Awakening) Skill Add-ons can be learned at levels 50, 52, and 54.
  • ? Double click the skill icon to open it in the new tab.
  • Table of Contents1 Gear Builds For The Mystic2 BDO Mystic Combo Guide3 Mystic Awakening Skill Build:4 Mystic Absolute/Rabam Build4.1 Priority List for Absoluting/Rabam Once You Have All Main Skills Maxed5 Mystic PRE-56 PVE Combos:6 Awakening PVE Rotation6.1 Mystic Awakening Tips:7 Quickslot Recommendations8 Animation Cancels9 Locked Skills10 100% Trick11 Mystic Crystals11.1 Resist Heavy Setup.
  • The item's effect will start when opened. After it expires, the last state of your skill set will be kept. to attach Skill Add-ons through skill instructor NPCs for 30 days. – Description: Cliff's Skill Add-on Guide. I can give you a full awakening addon list later :) These skill addons shouldnt be copied imo. You could put something on that too if you wanted.

    black desert add ons

    Also I did my add-ons before the new skill was added.

    black desert add ons black desert add ons

  • The skills with the same add-ons I don't use back to back pretty much ever.
  • Make sure you reset your skills at level 56 though because you will need skill points for your awakening skills and will only really need the support skills from pre-awakening.
  • Prioritize the following skills in this order: Celestial Spear (use Crit and Monster damage skill add-ons), Shield Throw, Sword of Judgement, Breath of Elion, Shield Chase.
  • Tamer Guide Table of Contents Tamer Lore Gear Accessories Skills Addons Ani-Cancels Crowd Controls Combos Tips Resources Final Thoughts Table of Contents1 Tamer Lore2 Gear2.1 Weapons2.2 Offhands2.3 Awakening2.4 Armor2.5 Boss2.6 Crystals3 Accessories3.1 Rings 3.2 Belt 3.3 Earrings3.4 Asula Accessory Set4 Skills4.1 Level 50 - 392 Skill Points4.2 Level 56 - 511 Skill Points5 Addons5.1 Pre.
  • Succession, Skill points, Skill Addons & more! In today’s beginner guide, we are going to be talking about skills in Black Desert Online, from skill addons, skill points, rabam skills, black spirit rage and awakening versus succession.

    Black desert add ons